Friday, 3 June 2016

Get - Redi - GO!

It has been two years since I graduated.. more than a year since I started paying for my own bread. As much as I yearn to get back into the comfort of my home, with every kind of delicacy that I wish for, conjured like magic by my mother, no worrying about paying rent or any bills, and no reason to clean up anything, ever, there is a charm of living the independent, bachelor's life too. I no longer have to come back home by 9, having friends over is not a problem... I can just get my bike out at 1 AM for some tea or go 30 kms for a ride at a moment's notice. But like everything else in life, I wish for an upgrade soon. One of my first answers to an upgrade would definitely be owning a car.

As simple as it sounds though, it is more complicated than that. The very first concern is financial.. Earning and paying bills is one thing; saving for a car is another. It takes meticulous planning and every bit of judiciousness to not only buy a car, but to have enough back up to maintain it in future. Another hurdle is having the patience to drive a car around in the urban setup, EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. I have a lot driving experience in cities, and trust me, it is a pain. Dealing with over-saturated roads is one thing, most often it is the sheer stupidity of fellow riders that makes me want to throw a microwave at them.

I sometimes like going through specifications and features of new cars in the market; not with an intention to buy it off immediately, but to keep it in my 'wishlist' so to speak. So while doing that, I stumbled upon this car called the Datsun redi-GO. After the big success of Renault Kwid last year, there is bound to be a comparison of any similar car to it, and along with it, a lot of hype, and speculations as to how it will perform in the Indian market. But as opposed to many other cars surrounded with the same hype, I found redi-GO to be quite a steal.

The Datsun redi-GO brings with it power packed features at an affordable rate
(image courtesy :


The very first notable feature is its low price. The starting range is around 2.39 lakh, which is pretty affordable for a common middle-class man. Even for someone like me, who has recently stepped out into the real world, this price range is very attractive.

With the buying price, also comes the question of fuel efficiency, because what good is a car if we do not enough money to feed it, right? At 25.17 km/litre, the redi-GO is definitely one of the more fuel-efficient cars I can think of.

Another feature which strikes me is its interior spaciousness. According to the reviews I have gone through, the car actually has much more space (with an added luxury of extra height) inside than it seems like. So I suppose it is easy enough to maneuver around in the peak hours, with five people comfortably sitting inside.

The ground clearance is also pretty good at 185 cm, and trust me, it is a great feature to save your car from deep trenches and mountainous speed brakers! The tail lights look great too. The car, overall, I think is a very smart design; efficient and very good looking too.


Looking at its features, I really want to own a car like this in the near future. It will be interesting taking this one for a ride in a place like Bangalore because, well, everyone knows how Bangalore's traffic scene is. I am fairly positive about the redi-GO's success because it seems like it will satisfy the needs of a fair share of people, be it the middle class office going husband, or the independent working mother, or the fun-loving, stylish and adventurous youth; this car seems to be for everyone. It is truly Fun. Freedom. Confidence. The ultimate Urban Cross - Datsun redi-GO - the capability of a crossover with the convenience of a hatchback. The best part is, even if I get stuck at the Marathahalli bridge for an hour, I at least get to enjoy the superior air conditioning with is 89 CC compressor while listening to some Bob Marley maybe.

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