Saturday, 31 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1168: How I solved it


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Today, the 30th of August 2024, is game 1168 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 337 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


Pretty good. Let's put together a few sets of possibilities with the information received:



  1. Suave
  2. Shake
  3. Shave
  4. Shape
  5. Shame
  6. Shale
  7. Slave
  8. Slake
  9. Spade
  10. Phase
  11. Plane
  12. Knave
  13. Flake
  14. Flame
  15. Blaze
  16. Blame
  17. Blade
  18. Whale
  19. Glaze
  20. Amaze
  21. Awake
  22. Agape
  23. Adage
  24. Evade
  25. Image
  26. Usage

I'm sure there are many more words, but I'll analyzing these for now will at least give me a direction. So let's look at the takeaways. I made a frequency table today:

It is much easier to visualize this now, and make a strategy from here on. 

So it is quite clear that I must use 'S' and 'L' in my guess. As the frequency distribution is tilted towards one particular position for each letter, I can opt to place them anywhere in my guess. 

I think I'll skip 'A' in my guess, as placing it anywhere other than 1st spot is a waste, and placing it there takes away flexibility from the word.

Needless to say, I will not use 'E' either, because I already know its position

So unless there is no flexibility at all, I'll try and use 'U', then 'I', and maybe 'A' or 'E' if nothing else works out. 

In terms of consonants, 'H' is a logical choice too and should be included. 

Out of all the words which has a frequency of 5, 'P' will give me maximum flexibility, so I will go for 'Plush' for guess 2.

After the second guess:


Before jumping to conclusions, let's find out which words got eliminated from the list:

  1. Suave
  2. Shake
  3. Shave
  4. Shape
  5. Shame
  6. Shale
  7. Slave
  8. Slake
  9. Spade
  10. Phase
  11. Plane
  12. Knave
  13. Flake
  14. Flame
  15. Blaze
  16. Blame
  17. Blade
  18. Whale
  19. Glaze
  20. Amaze
  21. Awake
  22. Agape
  23. Adage
  24. Evade
  25. Image
  26. Usage

I think it is not a bad outcome. I know that I can't get a 3/6 today, which is alright. At least I have eliminated a ton of possible words. Let's analyze further:

I don't know if its cheating or not, but I clearly remember 'Adage' being an answer a few weeks ago. So I will eliminate that

The word probability of the word starting with a vowel increased dramatically though

Probability of 'K' and 'M' occurring are the highest

If I want to eliminate the most words out of the list above, I think I should go with 'Amend', because I couldn't find a word which has 'K' and 'M', and have a substantial volume of other necessary words.

After the third guess:


Pretty sure that 'Knave' is the only remaining solution left. So here we go with 'Knave'

After the fourth guess:


Not a very easy word, but doable. Pretty happy with a 4/6. The analysis was good and that's a win I will take any day.

My 77th 4/6 in 338 games, not bad! Average guesses now 3.254.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, 30 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1167: How I solved it

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Today, the 29th of August 2024, is game 1167 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 336 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that led to:

After the first guess:

After the debacle yesterday, I would have preferred a better start. Nothing to analyze, going for my standard second guess 'Pound' for this situation. 

After the second guess:


Before making a list of possible words let me analyze the information received:

  • The first thing I notice is that there must be a finite number of letters which legitimately come after 'N'. Those are 'K', 'G', 'Y', 'S'.
  • The second thing I notice is that the two letters before 'U' are most likely both consonants, as 'UU' simply can't be a possibility, and there are little to no 5 letter words in the English language which goes like ✖🅘🅤🅝✖.
  • There are a finite number of possibilities for the first two letters as well, such as 'SH', 'SL', 'SK', 'SW', 'SM', 'FL', 'BL', 'KN', 'GL', 'KL', 'WH' or something like these. Not saying these are definite possibilities, but that the make-up of words should follow a convention like these examples.

Putting together all the interpretations together, we can now make a list of possible words that I can think of:



I will be honest, I am so tempted to go for 'Skunk' because the other words are all in the past tense, and Wordle usually doesn't have such words as answers. But you never know. And if today is one of those days, and if the answer is actually 'Swung', I will be caught between a rock and a hard place for guess 4. So I will resist my temptation and play the elimination game today. For that, I need a word which has 'S', 'F', 'K', 'L', 'W', and 'G'. Oh wait, that's not possible.

So let's strategize:
  • I'll use either 'S' or 'F' in the word
  • Having an 'L' or a 'K' makes sense. But having both is better. That's because 'L' will indicate a word starting with 'F', and 'K' will tell me that that word is not 'Slung'
  • As there could be no other vowel, using anything works really
  • Ok wait, I think I can just use 'Flunk' and it will give me a unique input for all the other words
Just to be sure, with 'Flunk', the inputs if the actual answers are as follows would be:

Flunk: 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Skunk: ⬛🟩🟩🟩
Flung: 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛
Slung: ⬛🟩🟩🟩⬛
Swung: ⬛🟩🟩⬛

Great, let's go with 'Flunk' then

After the third guess:


I did not expect this at all! All blacks to all greens in 3 might be one of the best things to have happened to me in the last month or so. Got lucky perhaps, but Wordlebot thinks my skill was worth 97/99. Awesome! Happy with the comeback. 

Even more happy to beat Wordlebot yet again! 

Yesterday's 5/6 ruined my average somewhat, but good comeback with a 3/6 today to get my Wordle average to 3.252.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1166: How I solved it


Image courtesy:

Today, the 28th of August 2024, is game 1166 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 334 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


Let's make a list of possible words I can think of with the information received:








Brain lagging. Can't think of a word for this








Emote (not sure if it's an actual word)

About 12 words. Takeaways (without considering 'Emote'):

  • About half the words start with 'S'
  • 'T' is either in the 2nd spot or the 4th spot
  • Vowels seem to be evenly spread. 5 'O's, 5 'I's, and 3 'U's. One double 'E' and a sneaky 'Y' there too
  • Wide range of consonants present. While 'L', 'N', 'Q' have appeared multiple times, 'K', 'V', 'P', 'W' and 'H' have also made it to one word each
  • Digging deeper, 'O's mostly occur when the word starts with an 'S'
  • On almost all cases, 'T' is in the 2nd spot when the word starts with an 'S'. For all other cases, 'T' is in the 4th spot

It will be almost impossible to eliminate all the words. So a proper strategy must be formulated for guess 2:

  • First of all, is important to ascertain whether the word starts with an 'S' or not. 
  • If the word starts with an 'S', 'T' is almost guaranteed at the 2nd spot, and 'O' has the highest probability of occurring as well among vowels. So I can consider including 'S' in my guess and removing 'T' altogether. We will try and see if we can somehow confirm the exception 'Spite' somehow as well. 
  • Secondly, we can also think of not having an 'O', but rather have 'I', and even 'Y' if possible. 
  • Looking at the other possibilities, having an 'I' definitely seems quite prudent, and so does 'L'
  • If the word does not start with 'S', the 'U' and 'I' combo could yield some info for me I believe. So, can consider including 'U' as well.
  • Taking a second to look back at what I can achieve with the above alphabets, I think it will tell me whether the word starts with an 'S' or not, which vowel/vowels could be present in the word, and the position of 'T'. 
  • Therefore, the last logical letter in my opinion should be 'N', which is more frequent than the other letters, and a better option than 'Y'.
  • In case these 5 letters, 'S', 'U', 'I', 'L', and 'N' cannot form a meaningful word, the other options could be to use 'Q' instead of 'N'. 
  • If I don't find a word fitting that description, I will try using any of 'K', 'V', 'P', 'W' and 'H' instead of 'N'

Let the trial and error begin!

Ok ok, 'Pulis' worked!

After the second guess:


Let's put together the words which survived from the list first:












Great! Alright, let's see if any other word fits the bill:























I did some thinking and that yielded nothing else. I think 'Elite' is the only possible word left. With the hope that I did not miss out another obvious word, let's go with 'Elite'

After the third guess:


Noooooo! What did I miss? Ok, have to analyze again.

So the possible combinations have to be among 🅛🅘🅣🅔, 🅘🅣🅛🅔, 🅘🅣🅛🅔, and 🅘🅣🅛🅔

No wayyy, is it 'Title'? Have to be, else I will retire from Wordle today! Going for 'Title' and hoping I didn't mess up

After the fourth guess:


I won't retire, but I might just cry! What is this word?! I must admit, I rushed my 4th guess a little bit. And now I see it. How could I use 'T' in the 1st spot? I deserve a kick.

Let's calm down and think. So the word is 🅛🅘🅣🅔 for sure now. I am also sure that I don't know what the actual answer means, or in other words, the word is unknown to me. 

It could be 'Litoe', 'Lithe', 'Litye', or something like that, but I am not sure which could it be. The only one which seems remotely like a word is 'Lithe'. Can't do much, going for 'Lithe' now. If not, will think of some other contingency

After the fourth guess:


Got it finally. I thought I had a fantastic game until guess 3. I could have gotten it at 4, but I messed up so bad. Wordlebot agrees. 4 guesses with 99/99 skill, and one with 0/99. Can't blame myself completely though, I didn't know 'Lithe' is a word.

Well, it is what it is. My 16th 5/6 in 336 games. Nobody wants that, but everyone has an off day once in a while. I'll focus on making it right tomorrow.

See you!

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1165: How I solved it

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Today, the 27th of August 2024, is game 1165 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 333 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


Hmm. Let's make a list of possible words I can think of with the information received:









Few less probable words:










The key takeaways:

  • The probability of the word starting with 'C' is almost 1
  • If that is the case, having a vowel in the 3rd spot is almost a guarantee. However, the vowel could be any among 'I', 'O', or 'U'
  • It is quite likely that there is just one vowel in the answer
  • Among the more probable words, 'S' and 'W' have occurred more times than other consonants such as 'H', 'N', 'M, 'D', 'B', 'P', 'K', and 'H'
  • Among low probability words, 'M' and 'P' have dominated the proceedings

My strategy for the 2nd guess would be:

  • I will not use 'C' and 'R' in the guess
  • This will need some permutation and combination tactics to solve
  • I will try and use 2 vowels at least in the guess. The logical ones to be used are probably 'O' and 'U'
  • If that is the case, I must use 'S' so as to get info on 'Crisp'
  • I should ideally use a 'W' as well so that I can get some info on 'Crook' as well
  • I should also use either of 'D' or 'N' to make maximum eliminations I feel
But it will be mighty difficult to have a word like this. Are any of 'Wouns', 'Wouds' or 'Unsow' a word? I will try them one by one. Nah, none worked. Let's find some more criteria then
  • On second thoughts, if I am using one of 'D' or 'N', do I really need a 'W'? I can use a 'K' instead. 

Let's use 'Kudos' and see. 

After the second guess:


Let's see which words survived the elimination process:













🅞🅡🅒✖✖, 🅞🅡✖✖🅒, ✖🅡🅞✖🅒, and ✖🅡🅒✖🅞 seem unlikely.

I think 'Crown' is the most logical choice at this point. Not only I feel that is the most likely word out of all the others, I also feel that even if it isn't the answer, it will eliminate 3/4 words in the list irrespective. I just hope that I have not overlooked an obvious word which is the actual answer, because I will be stumped if that is the case. So hoping for all-greens, let's go for 'Crown'

After the third guess:


Fantastic! 94/99 on skill is good. Wordle tells me that after the 2nd guess, the possible answers other than 'Crown' were 'Crony' and 'Bronc'. If it were the latter, I might have tasted my first ever Wordle defeat! Thankfully it wasn't. I also found out today that 'Crimp' and 'Cromp' are not actual words. Overall, 'Crown' was a fairly easy word.

My 209th 3/6 in 335 games, and my average guesses back to 3.248.

See you tomorrow!

Monday, 26 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1164: How I solved it


Image courtesy:

Today, the 26th of August 2024, is game 1164 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 333 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


Exactly like yesterday. Let's put together the mandatory list of possibilities with the information received:














The key takeaways:

  • The probability of 'T' being in the 2nd spot is similar to it being in the 4th spot
  • High probability of the word starting with an 'S'
  • 'L' appears in 4 of the 10 words. In 3 of those instances, it occurs in the 2nd spot, and once in the 4th spot
  • The 2nd spot is either occupied by 'T' or 'L', except for 'Abate'
  • Other consonants to make the list are 'V', 'G', 'K', 'B', and 'P'
  • 3 cases have a double letter, one being double 'T', one double 'A', and the last being double 'E'

My strategy for the 2nd guess would be similar to yesterday's:

  • There is no way that I can eliminate most of the words from the above list with 1 ideal guess. Therefore, I will have to take some risks here
  • I will not have 'A', 'E', or even 'T' in the 2nd guess. Instead, I will have 'L' as my 2nd or 4th letter. If it's a black, I will know that 'T' most probably occurs in spot 2. If it's a yellow or green, I should also be able to place the 'T' in its rightful place. 
  • The probability of 'S' occurring at spot 1 is the highest, yet, I will just have 'S' anywhere else and if it returns me a yellow, I will know that the word starts with an 'S'. If its a black, even better. I will have a smaller list of words to choose from.
  • In addition to this, I will try and include at least 2 out of 'V', 'G', 'K', 'B', and 'P' as possible. I will prefer using two out of 'V', 'G', or 'K' rather than 'P' or 'B', as that would eliminate more words
  • It really doesn't matter which vowel I use. Anything which allows me the flexibility to use as many letters as possible is fine with me.

I will go for 'Glisk' again as my 2nd guess.

After the second guess:


Considering it was 'Skate' yesterday, common sense would dictate that it would be 'Stake' today. I am honestly surprised at the similarity with yesterday's Wordle, which is why I am even taking a couple of minutes to consider whether there might be some issue with the website, or that they might have given us the same word two days in a row by mistake. But no point hanging around either. So let's go for 'Stake'.

After the third guess:


One of the strangest back-to-back Wordles in my opinion. For some reason, the stats show that people struggled more with the answer today more than yesterday. It might have something to do with the unexpectedness of this perhaps. 

Anyway, a walk-in-the-park kind of a Wordle today for me. And I also beat Wordlebot again! 

My 208th 3/6 in 334 games, not bad at all! Average guesses still at 3.249.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, 25 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1163: How I solved it


Image courtesy:

Today, the 25th of August 2024, is game 1163 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 332 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


Pretty good. Let's put together a few sets of possibilities with the information received:












After looking at 1 yellow and 2 greens, I thought this is going to be a cakewalk to get 3/6, but now I don't think so anymore. So many possibilities to eliminate in the next guess! Let's go one step at a time. The key takeaways:

  • The probability of 'T' being in the 2nd spot is similar to it being in the 4th spot
  • High probability of the word starting with an 'S'
  • 'L' appears in 4 of the 9 words. In 3 of those instances, it occurs in the 2nd spot, and once in the 4th spot
  • The 2nd spot is either occupied by 'T' or 'L'
  • Other consonants to make the list are 'V', 'G', 'K', and 'P'
  • 2 cases have a double letter, one being double 'T' and another being double 'E'

My strategy for the 2nd guess would be as follows:

  • There is no way that I can eliminate most of the words from the above list with 1 ideal guess. Therefore, I will have to take some risks here
  • I will not have 'A', 'E', or even 'T' in the 2nd guess. Instead, I will have 'L' as my 2nd or 4th letter. If it's a black, I will know that 'T' most probably occurs in spot 2. If it's a yellow or green, I should also be able to place the 'T' in its rightful place. 
  • The probability of 'S' occurring at spot 1 is the highest, yet, I will just have 'S' anywhere else and if it returns me a yellow, I will know that the word starts with an 'S'. If its a black, even better. I will have a smaller list of words to choose from.
  • In addition to this, I will try and include at least 2 out of 'V', 'G', 'K', and 'P' as possible
  • I understand that in order to fulfil the above criteria, I will also need to include a vowel. It really doesn't matter which one I use. Anything which allows me the flexibility to use as many letters as possible is fine with me.
  • Refining my strategy further, I will prefer using two out of 'V', 'G', or 'K' rather than 'P', as that would eliminate more words

If Wordle does accept it as a word, I would like to go with 'Glask', or 'Glisk', or 'Glusk' or something like that. Let's try them one by one. Starting with 'Glisk'

After the second guess:


I think it was a good guess. Oh no, I just realised that the word could either be 'Stake' or 'Skate'. I don't like situations where I have to guess between 2 words, but here I am, once again. Let's just pick one and go for 'Skate'

After the third guess:


Phew! Got it in 3 with a bit of luck in the end. But I think it was a good game overall. Fairly easy word, but could have been misleading with a wrong guess or two. I was curious to see how good of a guess 'Glisk' was. Happy to see it worked well in the end. 

And I beat Wordlebot again! Always satisfying.

My 207th 3/6 in 333 games, not bad at all! Average guesses now 3.249.

See you tomorrow!

Saturday, 24 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1162: How I solved it


Image courtesy:

Today, the 24th of August 2024, is game 1162 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 331 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


2 yellows. Let's analyze the possibilities that I can think of at the moment:









Event (I thought of this word after making the 2nd guess, so the analysis below doesn't consider this word)






























  • Lots of words end with 'T'
  • 6 'O's, 5 'I's, 4 'U's, and 6 double 'E's make things far more even than I would have liked
  • 8 'S's, 6 'L's, and 5 'N's seem to be the most re-occuring consonants
  • 'E' occurs most times in the 4th spot, then the 3rd spot, then 2nd, and then the 1st

Going to be a difficult choice. My thought process now is this:

  • I would want to have a word with a 'T' in the 5th spot
  • The word should ideally have an 'E' in the 4th spot. If not, 3rd spot works too. 
  • In terms of vowels, I need to have something other than an 'E'. It can either be another 'E' or an 'O', but a double 'E' might be too risky I feel. So perhaps an 'O' somewhere. The placement doesn't matter too much but a 4th or 1st spot 'O' could be an option
  • I have 2 more spots to figure out, and I feel those must be taken up by 2 out of the 3 most frequently occurring consonants, 'S', 'L', or 'N'. The placement is secondary, but a 1st spot 'S', 2nd or 5th spot 'L', or a 2nd place 'N' would be ideal.

As is clearly evident, it is impossible to fulfil all the criteria mentioned above because they are contradictory. So I would need a word which is closest to fulfilling the conditions as possible

I am a little sad that 'Sloet' isn't a word, so I think my next best option is 'Onset'. Without wasting more time, let's go for it and hope for the best.

After the second guess:


Ok, let me make a list of words which are still possible answers from the above list. The survivors are: 





The Wordlebot analysis will be interesting because at this point, I feel my 2nd guess wasn't that bad. However, I think I can safely say that getting this in 3 is almost impossible now. So let me do some damage control and explore more possible words to have a solid 3rd guess.

After racking my brain for more words, I can conclude that either I did a fantastic analysis already and no other words exist, or my brain is still working at 2% capacity. Either way, I think it is very important to figure out the vowels now. And I think 'Quiet' will be my best option, as it will provide info on 'U' and 'I', and could tell me whether the word perhaps has a double 'E'. I hope that with this information, I will be able to figure out the answer with a good deal of precision in my 4th guess. So let's just go for 'Quiet'.

After the third guess:


The only survivor now from the above list is 'Bidet' now. Let me try and see if there might be other possible words once again, because if it is not 'Bidet', I am absolutely screwed. I'll actually go and take a walk before I guess.

I don't know whether there are others like me, but I take my Wordle very seriously. I took a walk, went to a restaurant and ordered some food, when I realized I missed out on 'Filet' from Filet Mignon. Not saying that it must be the solution, but I think it is more likely than Bidet. So I am going for 'Filet' as my 4th guess

After the fourth guess:


It wasn't easy for me because I honestly didn't think of Filet as a possible word initially. That is primarily why my skill score is on the lower side today with an 86/99. Got it in 4 though, which is acceptable.

And just like that, my score is back to 3.250. I am quite happy with my guess distribution though and will look to improve on it further.

See you tomorrow!