Saturday, 28 September 2024

NYT Wordle #1196: How I solved it



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Today, the 27th of September 2024, is game 1196 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 355 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


Ok. Let's put together a few sets of possibilities with the information received:



1. Atoll




2. Adopt

3. Aloft

4. About

5. Allot


6. Fatal

7. Baton

8. Patio

9. Satan



10. Haunt

11. Gaunt

12. Daunt

13. Vault

14. Gamut

15. Jaunt

16. Balot

17. Fault



18. Vital





19. Quota

19 words is fine for now. Let's analyze them first. 

  • Highest probability of 'A' occurring is at the 1st or 2nd spots
  • For 'T', it is the last spot and the 3rd spot respectively
  • 9 O's, 9 U's, 2 I's, and 2 double A's. 
  • For O's and U's, 3rd spot makes sense
  • Amongst consonants, 'L' and 'N' seems to occur more frequently than others. 
  • 'L' occurs in almost all places. 'N' occurs in the 4th place more often

So the ideal word would be something like ALONT or LAUNT, but obviously, Wordle wouldn't accept either. I think I will not use 'A' in this guess at all and focus on getting other info. The word I am thinking of going for is 'Blunt' as it contains both 'L' and 'N', 'N' at the 4th place, 'T' in the 5th place, 'U' in the 3rd place, and a decent compromise in 'B', which does occur 3 times. So, 'Blunt' it is!

After the second guess:


Bit of a surprise. Let's see which words out of the list could still be a possible answer:

1. Atoll

2. Adopt

3. Aloft

4. About

5. Allot

6. Fatal

7. Baton

8. Patio

9. Satan

10. Haunt

11. Gaunt

12. Daunt

13. Vault

14. Gamut

15. Jaunt

16. Balot

17. Fault

18. Vital

19. Quota

Based on the list of words I made, I think the guess served its purpose. But before going ahead with anything, I will need to re-analyze this to ensure that I include other words which could be possible solutions this time. 














(Note for future games: I missed words like 'Adapt', and 'Waist' in the first list)

After thinking long and hard, I feel like the solution should be either 'Patio' or 'Faith'. I, however, feel like 'Patio' was a Wordle solution at some point. Not sure about this, but I do have a feeling. Also, if 'Faith' is not the answer, it will give me a decent indication of whether the word could be 'Patio' or something else. So going with 'Faith' in this one. 

After the third guess:


Wordlebot rates my skill 81/99. Lower than I expected, but nothing to complain about since I got a 3/6. My 218th 3/6 in 356 games, not bad! Average guesses now 3.261. 

See you tomorrow!

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