Monday 19 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1157: How I solved it


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Today, the 19th of August 2024, is game 1157 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 326 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that led to:

After the first guess:


3 yellows. Let's analyze the possibilities that I can think of at the moment:

R in the 1st spot:


















































Meter (or does Wordle accept 'Metre'?, not entire sure)






















Liter (or does Wordle accept 'Litre'?)


  • 'R' seems to occur more in the last place, 1st place, and the 4th place in that particular order
  • In terms of vowels, 'O' and 'double Es' occur almost an equal number of times. 'I' isn't present too often to consider at the moment
  • 'T' seems to be the most dominant consonant though. It is present in all spots too, but 3rd spot ranks the highest it seems.
  • There is a high probability of double letters today, which could be for 'T', 'E' or even 'R'

Tough choice. I will try and find a word which has 

  • 'R' in the last place. Another 'R' in the 1st spot is also an option if I don't manage to identify another strong letter
  • 'T' preferably in the 3rd spot. Can consider a 2nd place 'T' in addition to this, but 'E' seems to be a better contender for that
  • 'E' in the 2nd, or 4th spot, or both. It isn't a bad choice for the 1st spot as well
  • Maybe an 'O' in the 1st spot, if a word like that exists
  • 'H', 'M' or 'N' can be sneaky considerations for spot 1 or 2

Few words that come to mind are 'Other', 'Enter', 'Roter', 'Moter', 'Meter' and 'Noter'. I don't even know whether all of these are words at all, but I sure know that 'Oeter' would have been my 1st choice if that were a word. This is such a difficult choice because even if I am a little off, I will end up with a plethora of choices for guess 3. 

Fine, I'll do this. I will not consider 'N' for this guess. I will either go for 'H', 'M' or 'R' as consonants for spot 1. Have either 'O' or 'E' for spot 2, and have 'TER' for the last 3 spots. I will try the words in this order and hope Wordle accepts them: 'Hoter', 'Heter', 'Moter', 'Meter', 'Roter', and 'Reter'. 

After the second guess:


No way!! I got extremely lucky. I wasn't even sure Wordle considers 'Meter' or 'metre' as the correct spelling. Wow, still in awe!

This was not too difficult, but not that easy either. Random guesses could lead one somewhere really off and by the time there are 1 or 2 guesses remaining, you could have more than 4-5 options to choose from.


On a roll lately. I beat Wordlebot again today! 

So another 2/6 brings my Wordle average down to 3.251, which is great.

See you tomorrow!

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