Saturday, 31 August 2024

NYT Wordle #1168: How I solved it


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Today, the 30th of August 2024, is game 1168 of NYT Wordle. I try to solve this daily and have completed 337 of these over the last couple of years. So here is my Wordle journey for today, which includes my guesses, thought process, some statistics, and, of course, the ANSWER!

I always start my Wordle with 'Trace'. Let's see what that resulted into:

After the first guess:


Pretty good. Let's put together a few sets of possibilities with the information received:



  1. Suave
  2. Shake
  3. Shave
  4. Shape
  5. Shame
  6. Shale
  7. Slave
  8. Slake
  9. Spade
  10. Phase
  11. Plane
  12. Knave
  13. Flake
  14. Flame
  15. Blaze
  16. Blame
  17. Blade
  18. Whale
  19. Glaze
  20. Amaze
  21. Awake
  22. Agape
  23. Adage
  24. Evade
  25. Image
  26. Usage

I'm sure there are many more words, but I'll analyzing these for now will at least give me a direction. So let's look at the takeaways. I made a frequency table today:

It is much easier to visualize this now, and make a strategy from here on. 

So it is quite clear that I must use 'S' and 'L' in my guess. As the frequency distribution is tilted towards one particular position for each letter, I can opt to place them anywhere in my guess. 

I think I'll skip 'A' in my guess, as placing it anywhere other than 1st spot is a waste, and placing it there takes away flexibility from the word.

Needless to say, I will not use 'E' either, because I already know its position

So unless there is no flexibility at all, I'll try and use 'U', then 'I', and maybe 'A' or 'E' if nothing else works out. 

In terms of consonants, 'H' is a logical choice too and should be included. 

Out of all the words which has a frequency of 5, 'P' will give me maximum flexibility, so I will go for 'Plush' for guess 2.

After the second guess:


Before jumping to conclusions, let's find out which words got eliminated from the list:

  1. Suave
  2. Shake
  3. Shave
  4. Shape
  5. Shame
  6. Shale
  7. Slave
  8. Slake
  9. Spade
  10. Phase
  11. Plane
  12. Knave
  13. Flake
  14. Flame
  15. Blaze
  16. Blame
  17. Blade
  18. Whale
  19. Glaze
  20. Amaze
  21. Awake
  22. Agape
  23. Adage
  24. Evade
  25. Image
  26. Usage

I think it is not a bad outcome. I know that I can't get a 3/6 today, which is alright. At least I have eliminated a ton of possible words. Let's analyze further:

I don't know if its cheating or not, but I clearly remember 'Adage' being an answer a few weeks ago. So I will eliminate that

The word probability of the word starting with a vowel increased dramatically though

Probability of 'K' and 'M' occurring are the highest

If I want to eliminate the most words out of the list above, I think I should go with 'Amend', because I couldn't find a word which has 'K' and 'M', and have a substantial volume of other necessary words.

After the third guess:


Pretty sure that 'Knave' is the only remaining solution left. So here we go with 'Knave'

After the fourth guess:


Not a very easy word, but doable. Pretty happy with a 4/6. The analysis was good and that's a win I will take any day.

My 77th 4/6 in 338 games, not bad! Average guesses now 3.254.

See you tomorrow!

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